Wednesday, June 15, 2011

 One day, we visited Rally (a youth in West Palawano) with his friend. We exchanged news. I asked for their comments about our Bible studies and Sabbath services. Rally answered that his mother wants him to be baptized in the Adventist faith. We told him to continue attending our Bible study and study the Bible earnestly if he really wants to be baptized. Rally is the son of one of our active Bible student who is already attending the Sabbath. Her mother told me also the same thing and I just told her to pray for it.

True, there are still God’s children in other flocks. Here in our project, there are still a lot of people who haven’t accepted Christ – some were just waiting for us to share the Good News. Rally is just one of them. This gives the missionaries the challenge to share the Good News even though how hard & how far it may be. Let us continue working hand in hand in sharing God’s message to all nations, kindred, and tongue.

Reynald Serafica, former missionary in Palanan project, is 
                                              now giving Bible study to the West Palawanos.

 Here are the fruits of our labor in West Palawan Project!